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Telehealth Serving New Jersey

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    Newsletters & Updates

    Newsletters & Updates

    1/23/25 - Exciting 2025 News From the Office of Dr. Meusburger

    In order to expand access to psychopharmacological care, Dr. Charles E Meusburger now accepts limited insurance plans as an in-network provider for Aetna, Cigna and Horizon Blue Cross. If you have one of those insurances, it will be accepted for INITIAL EVALUATIONS(Approximately 60 minutes) AND MEDICATION MANAGEMENT(15-30 Minutes). Please note that medication management must be preceded by an initial evaluation. Current patients may also choose this option exclusively for medication management. Disability claims and/or court-related matters are EXCLUDED.

    Please be advised that the insurance option applies ONLY by enrolling in HEADWAY.COM. HEADWAY is a separate online billing platform for patients with insurance and is not an entity within the practice of Dr. Meusburger. After enrolling with Headway, your appointments must be made on the Headway platform in order to process your claims. PLEASE CONTACT HEADWAY EITHER ONLINE OR BY PHONE FOR ALL QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO ENROLLMENT WITH HEADWAY AND NOT THE OFFICE OF DR. MEUSBURGER. 

    Dr. Meusburger's Headway Profile: 

    If Dr. Meusburger is not enrolled in your health plan, or you are a self-pay patient, you are considered out-of-network, and his fee schedule applies.

    If you are out-of-network, we strongly recommend you check with your insurer to see if you have out-of-network benefits and can be reimbursed for any portion of the out-of-network fees.

    2/22/23 - National ADHD Medication Shortages

    Dear Patient

    We are in the midst of an unprecedented National crisis created by the shortage and/or unavailability of medications prescribed for the treatment of ADHD. Dr. Meusburger has attempted to respond by prescribing alternatives to your current ADHD medication. However, because the shortage is so widespread nationally, the alternatives are becoming, or are, scarce as well. Your help is needed to do the inquiries necessary in attempting to locate a pharmacy, current or new, that has your medication or alternative ADHD medications. It is also helpful to know what strengths are available to expedite a new prescription for you. While it will no doubt be an inconvenience for you, the task cannot be done by the office staff because of the volume of patients, their locations, and respective number of pharmacies involved. 

    It is also extremely important to know that the shortage of ADHD medication created additional problems in attempting to find alternatives.  One problem is in finding a pharmacy that will fill the prescription, especially if you are not an established customer of that pharmacy.  It has also been brought to our attention that even if a pharmacy has ADHD medications in stock, they may not be willing to disclose which it is, or how much they have.  In the event you encounter that particular problem when reaching out to a pharmacy, please inform the office and we will call that pharmacy on your behalf.  Last, if you do locate a pharmacy that has

    an alternative ADHD medication, and is willing to fill the prescription, your insurance may or may not cover the cost of the alternative with, or without a Prior Authorization.

    Please know that the impact this disruption is having on those who are affected by it is deeply felt on your behalf. Though a solution to a problem of this magnitude is well beyond the scope of any physician’s office, we are continually seeking reasonable, medically accepted options. However, be advised that if the current circumstances persist, and available medication options are exhausted, the only recourse is a resolution at the National and/or State levels.


    Charles E Meusburger, MD, FASAM



    In March of 2020, our office closed its doors to in-person visits and quietly transitioned to Telepsychiatry because of a surging COVID-19 and its variants. We fully expected to return to in-person sessions within the year; however after 2-1/2 years of continuing and emerging infectious viruses, we have made the decision to close our physical office space and maintain Telepsychiatry as our mode of practice. Dr. Meusburger continues to deliver safe, compassionate and engaging care to both established and new patients. As always, we welcome your input as we strive to continually improve and provide engaging, highly personalized virtual care so you can remain in the convenience of your home, office or other place of preference.

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